Archive for Setyembre 2012



Arvee C. Miranda

It all started with Endocrinology
Then followed by Toxicology
At first I know nothing about blogging
But as we go along I know I’m learning

Edublogging thought me a lot of things
New concepts keep on precipitating
Because of the excitement it brings
I consider it a new channel of learning

It thought me about the endocrine glands
And their coordination with the nervous glands
Both of the systems works hand in hand
To bring together functions of all the body organs

I knew that pituitary is the master gland
And hypothalamus is the CNS control gland
Both are producing essential secretions
And these are hormones that regulate bodily functions

From the hypothalamus we have TRH, GnRH, PIF & GHRH
From the anterior pituitary here comes FSH, LH, TSH & ACTH
Vasopressin and Oxytocin are from the posterior pituitary
All of them are responsible for carrying out an activity

Adult adrenal glands are shaped like pyramids,
Located just above and medial to the kidneys
The medulla secretes catecholamines
While on the cortex what we have is cortisol

T3 and T4 are from the thyroid,
Both of them participates in food metabolism
Estrogen and testosterone are steroids
All of which acts by negative feedback mechanism

The most common method is RIA
And his girlfriend’s name is ELISA
His mother in law is IRMA
His grandmother is VIRGINIA

Toxicology is a branch of medicine that deals with poisons
And these are responsible for detrimental effect production
Harmful effects may be brought about by phenomenon such as radiation
In practice, however, many complications exist beyond these plain definitions

Under toxicology we have TDM
It identifies the optimum drug concentration
Steady state is the foundation of determination
While half life is the basis for administration

Digoxin and Disopyramide are cardioactive
Marijuana and methamphetamine are addictive
Alcohol and nicotine can make a man abusive
WTH! Cocaine is very expensive

Heroin is the synthesized form of morphine
Dealers often add substances such as sugar, starch, & quinine
1-2 days after use it can be detected in the urine
Treatment for anxiety from opioid withdrawal is Benzodiazepines

Anabolic steroids can cause hyperplasia
But everyone’s favorite is “Gynecomastia”
Physiologic changes includes muscle dysmorphia
In laboratory determination, GC is better than EIA

Always remember CCF during drug testing
As well as the protocols in sample collecting
Do not forget proper labeling
For us to prevent specimen tampering

Always remember CC man
VBG is the superwoman
Learning is retention
Let our criticisms be our motivation

These are just some of the facts I learned from Edublogging
And always remember that there should be no plagiarism
For us to prevent many criticisms
And now all I can say is, I love Edublogging.

Semisonic - Closing Time

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